PinnedPublished inTaipei Ethereum MeetupUsing MPC to Help Achieve Blockchain PrivacyThis post answers some of the most commonly asked questions about using multi-party computation (MPC) in blockchains.May 9, 2021May 9, 2021
PinnedPublished inTaipei Ethereum Meetup以太坊的黑暗森林值得培養 Ethereum’s Dark Forest is worth cultivating本文為 Trenton Van Epps 2020 年 10 月 12 日 Medium 發表「Ethereum’s Dark Forest is worth cultivating」文章的繁體中文翻譯。 謝謝 Trenton 和 CC Liang 提供的編輯意見與修改協助。Jan 10, 20212Jan 10, 20212
英國倫敦The Mousetrap《捕鼠器》推理劇推薦(2022年七月觀劇)在英國倫敦走跳的過去一個月,常需要搭乘地鐵或火車,到倫敦西區附近的地鐵站。搭長長的手扶梯前往出站的路途,會看到非常多熱門的音樂劇宣傳海報,就連街道上也掛滿表演節目海報。像是經典的歌劇魅影、悲慘世界、獅子王、Frozen 冰雪奇緣音樂劇、Matilda…Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
Comparison of Ngrok and its blockchain-based alternative DiodeInspired by this brilliant review of popular Ngrok alternatives, I’ve made a straightforward comparison of Ngrok and Diode — the best…Jul 27, 2020Jul 27, 2020
Highlights from Devcon Osaka Side Event “L2 and Business”On Tuesday, October 8 Cryptoeconomics Lab organized a local meetup event “L2 and Business” during Devcon 5 in Osaka, Japan. The event was…Apr 16, 2020Apr 16, 2020
How to Do Live Video Streaming with Raspberry Pi using Diode’s Peer-to-Peer NetworkA simple guide to getting a Pi connected to the Diode networkFeb 4, 2020Feb 4, 2020
Diode demo 操作介紹影片發表過去幾個禮拜,花了很多時間做一個奇妙的操作教學影片,標題是「Getting Started with Diode」,教大家怎麼玩 Diode network。主要的對象是區塊鏈工程師、程式設計師、軟體開發者、以及對 IoT 物聯網、樹莓派 Raspberry Pi 有興趣的…Jan 20, 2020Jan 20, 2020
Published inTaipei Ethereum MeetupCrosslink Taiwan 2019 以太坊技術研討會活動圓滿成功台灣區塊鏈界年度盛事之一的「Crosslink Taiwan」由台北以太坊社群(Taipei Ethereum Meetup)主辦,活動吸引 300 餘人參與,共計有 20 位全球開發者和研究者共襄盛舉;同時,由於 Devcon…Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019
Highlights from First RadicalxChange Taipei MeetupRadicalxChange Taipei chapter is here. On Tuesday, July 16 RadicalxChange Taipei kicked off their first event in Taipei, Taiwan. The…Oct 2, 2019Oct 2, 2019
RadicalxChange Taipei 7/16 臺北活動唐鳳分享總統盃黑客松平方投票實驗逐字稿RadicalxChange Taipei 社群主辦的第一場活動 7 月 16 日(上周二)在臺北市民權東路的創咖啡舉行Jul 23, 2019Jul 23, 2019